Convention Centre in the rain

Ben Millett has added a photo to the pool:

Convention Centre in the rain

For some reason some one thought it was a good idea to go out and take some pictures down at the docks... But then it turned out to be raining.. A LOT.... and this person nearly pulled out, I was ready to go and we dragged said person along in the end.... We all got soaked, but got some shots anyway... This was one of the last shots of the night... Lens was soaked. Tried wiping off drips but still some remained and I thought the shot was lost but some of the drips actually created nice flares and bluriness in certain places which I kinda liked.... So it was kept....

A friends D7000 stopped working it was so wet... (its ok now though)

The shot... emmm.... It was a 30 second exp I think... yeh

30sec, @ f22, iso 100, tripoded, remote shutter, prefocused, back to rain

Looks good big.
